Rainbow Gladiolus Mix set of 40

Original price was: $23.00.Current price is: $11.50.

The tall, dramatic Gladiolus provides a colorful summer cutting garden and adds a strong focal point in your flowerbeds. See complete details below.

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Enjoy a summer cutting garden full of showy blooms! Plant a large number of bulbs grouped together for a dramatic effect. In zones 3-7, dig up bulbs to store indoors for winter.

Botanical Name: Gladiolus
Hardiness Zones: 8-11
Plant Type:  Perennial in zones 8-11; dig up and store over winter in zones 3-7
Bloom Time: Midsummer
Advantages: Cut arrangements; butterfly and hummingbird attractor
Mature Plant Size: Approx. 48″-60″ tall
Light Requirements: Full sun
Plant Depth: 4″-6″ deep, 5″ apart
Soil Type: Moist, well-drained, loamy soil