Contact Us

If you have a question regarding when your order will ship, please read our Shipping Information page first. For answers to frequently asked questions, please see our FAQ page. If the shipping information and FAQ pages linked above have not answered your question, please fill out the Contact form on this page.

We appreciate your feedback! Our goal is to continually improve your Three Rivers Wreath & Plant Company experience. If you have questions or comments about an order, service, or just need some helpful information, let us know! 

Please contact us for volume pricing, corporate gifting, or wreath and plant fundraising. We will get back to you as soon as possible! Please let us know what’s on your mind so we can serve you better. Thanks!

Our office will be closed on the following U.S. holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Additionally, we are closed the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, and may have reduced office hours during our off-season from mid-December through late January.

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