Fall Feature: Deer Resistant Perennials
Deer Resistant Perennials – a Beautiful Garden That Won’t Become a Wildlife Buffet!
Do you struggle with deer or rabbits eating your spring plants before they even have a chance to bloom? Plant these deer and rabbit resistant selections to enjoy springtime color that won’t become a snack for wildlife.
Deer Resistant Alliums
Pictured above: Allium Rock Garden Mix, Blue Allium, Gladiator Allium, Pink Lily Leek, Drumstick Allium.
As members of the onion family, all alliums are resistant to both deer and rabbits. Plus, alliums offer a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors to choose from. We offer four different varieties of alliums in our fall fundraising program, as well as a mix including three different varieties of allium.
Pictured above: Blue Jacket Hyacinth, Hyacinth Mix, Grape Hyacinth.
Most hyacinths have a strong scent which helps to ward off deer and rabbits. In our fall 2024 fundraising program, we offer Blue Jacket Hyacinth and Hyacinth Mix, each in a package of 8 bulbs, and the petite Grape Hyacinth in a package of 20 bulbs
Pictured above: Actaea Daffodil, Daffodil Bulb Mix, Tahiti Daffodil.
When you think of spring blooming bulbs, daffodils are probably the first to come to mind. These harbingers of spring are an all-time favorite among gardeners, but the deer will stay away! We offer two different varieties of daffodils in our fall fundraising program, as well as a Daffodil Bulb Mix.
More Deer and Rabbit Resistant Bulbs!
Glory of the Snow are among the first flowers to bloom in spring. And as the name suggests, they are hardy enough to withstand the last snowfall in early spring. These cheerful petite bloomers are available in a package of 25 and are best planted in large groupings for the most impact.
Snake’s Head is a unique looking plant with downward-facing flowers, often with petals in a purple checkerboard pattern, but the petals can also be white. We offer Snake’s Head in a package of 10 bulbs, which is a good quantity for one large cluster or two smaller clusters in the landscape.
Sign up for a fall fundraiser today!
Are you looking for a fundraising idea this fall? Our fall fundraising program includes favorite spring-blooming bulbs such as hyacinths, tulips, and daffodils. We also offer a variety of indoor seed kits and accessories as part of our fall fundraisers. Plus, potted mums are available for local New England groups within driving distance of Franklin, New Hampshire. Sign up for a fall fundraiser by filling out a registration form. We will begin setting up fall fundraisers about mid-July and will email you all the details you need to manage your fundraiser as soon as it’s been set up.
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